Right Action, Right Record, Right Outcome… RIGHT NOW!

Syncrophi double award-winners at annual Medtech Awards

Syncrophi’s KEWS300 product has won two of the eight Medtech Awards at the annual IMSTA Medtech Awards event 2018.
KEWS300 was recognised as the winner in the eHealth/Digital Health category. Its combination of ease-of-use, ease of implementation, ability to electronically interface with vital-sign monitors, ability to interface with the Hospital Information System and its medical-grade certification (Class II CE-mark and FDA-cleared) was duly recognised.
KEWS300 also won the Most Cost-Effective Product category. Key factors highlighted were staff productivity gains, dramatically reduced recording errors, earlier identification of deteriorating patients, fewer escalations to ICU and lower admin costs.

Point of Care

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Point of Care

Easier, Faster, Safer


ward automation


Ward Status at a Glance


nursing software syncrophi


Latest Observations
Wherever You Are

Hospital Info Systems

Hospital Info Systems

Vendor Neutral, HL7

Safety and Accuracy

KEWS300 point of care software eliminates most of the opportunities for human error.

Accurate, timely information enhances patient safety and eases the cognitive burden on front line staff.

“Error rate dropped from 37% to 1% when we moved from paper charts to KEWS300.”

HIMMS 6-certified Private Hospital, Ireland

“Historic early-warning-score error-rate was frequently between 25% and 40%.  It fell to 0% where we implemented KEWS300.”

Public Tertiary Hospital, Scotland

SyncroPhi Systems
provide you with major benefits

  • Ease of review and reporting
  • Excellent ward-management support
  • Risk reduction through error avoidance
  • Shorter rounding times
  • Customised observation records
  • Compatibility with existing monitors
  • Connection to the Hospital Information system
  • Remote access for authorised users

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Helping you Attain the Highest Standards of Frontline Patient Care
Safely, Efficiently & Compliantly

Easier, Faster, Safer

Thoughtful design, based on inputs from frontline staff, simplifies many routine tasks, provides protocol decision support and dramatically reduces the likelihood of human error.

Ward Status a a Glance

One-touch patient history selection, trend-reports and embedded nurse-notes allows for rapid and effective review, whether at the bedside or on a remote monitor.

syncrophi systems kews300

Latest Observations – Wherever You Are

Kews300 uploads completed patent obversations, once signed off at the bedside. This provides the clinician with near real-time patient vital sign information including trends. This information can be accessed via the desktop or tablet either on-site or remotely.

Hospital Info Systems

Kews300 is medically approved, indepently certified software. It is HL7 compliant and can be seamlessly integrated with other elements of the HIS such as PAS or EHR. The client, being medically approved, can integrate directly with the monitor equipment in use on the ward.

latest news syncrophi ireland

Simple Integration to Hospital Systems

Syncrophi is an Application Partner of InterSystems Inc, a world-leader in systems integration. This allows us to confidently support effective integration with existing hospital systems: HIS, EPR, PAS, Paging etc. Our systems are designed for HL7 compliance.


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